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Schedules & Minutes

Meetings are held in the conference room at Arrowhead Elementary.

  • Meeting Dates for 2024-2025 will be held in the conference room.

    All meetings are open to the public & the greater school community.

    Arrowhead Funding Summary

    School Plans show what the funds will be used for and how we will measure the effectiveness of the plan.

    Final Reports are available in January for the previous year.

    Trust Lands Information

    Our School Community Council is primarily responsible for the creation of our School LAND Trust Plan. This plan is created annually by analyzing our school testing data to determine the greatest academic need. The money our school receives from the School LAND Trust fund is allocated according to our plan. 

    Why Participate?  Improved student success and wellbeing for ALL students.  Engaged parent representation in decision making will allow for greater equity.  A diverse pool of parent viewpoints helps bridge cultural gaps.

    Our school is grateful for the School LAND Trust program and the opportunity we have as a school to allocate the funds to support our targeted and specific needs. The Council assists with school improvement and makes decisions on how to best spend the Trust LANDS funding. More information regarding the work of the Council and the current plan can be found by visiting the School LAND Trust Website.

    Council Members

    Click on a name to send an email.

    • Chair – Kallie Potter
      • moc.liamtoh@rettopeillak
    • Vice-Chair – Brandi McGee
      • moc.oohay@3eegcmb
    • Secretary – Sara Sousa
      • moc.liamg@4002arasdnaotrebla
    • Principal – Kim Heki
      • gro.21khsaw@ikeh.mik
    • Teacher – Leslie Vasquez
      • gro.21khsaw@tnuhzeuqsav.eilsel
    • Teacher – Kathy Everett
      • gro.21khsaw@ttereve.yhtak 
    • Parent Member – Mindy Lamoreaux
      • moc.liamtoh@smalydnim
    • Parent Member – MaryAnn Bryner
      • moc.liamg@renyrbam

            Elections for the Community Council take place each year in May. This is one of the many ways that we encourage our school community to become involved in the education process.

            Council Responsibilities

            • Review school-wide assessment data annually to identify critical academic needs and use School LAND Trust Program funds in data-driven and evidence-based ways to improve educational outcomes.
            • Assist in the development and implementation of school plans in accordance with state law, state board rule, and district policy.
            • Advise & Recommend to school, school district administrators, and the local school board regarding the school and its programs, school district programs, a child access routing plan, and other issues relating to the community environment for students.
            • Partner with the school’s principal and other administrators to ensure that adequate training and filtering is provided by the school and school district.
            • Ensure parents can access information regarding the council and its roles by providing required information on the school website.