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Phone: 435-674-2027

Reunification Information

Preparing for the Reunification Drill

Arrowhead Elementary School.

The purpose of this drill is to prepare students and parents in the event that an emergency was to happen at the school that would require a lockdown situation and students would need to be reunited with parents personally.  Please be prepared to be reunited with your child by preparing the following information beforehand. 
  1. Photo ID-Required
  2. Be sure your emergency information in PowerSchool is updated with your most current contact information. Include names/phone numbers of people who have permission to pick up your student(s).
  3. Pick-up people must be OVER 18. If you need help updating information please call the office.
  4. The Reunification Checkout Form filled out completely. Please fill out student information on all students you are authorized to pick up
  5. ALL STUDENTS need to be picked up this day. NO SCHOOL BUSSES will be picking up on reunification day.
  6. If your student goes to DAYCARE, please have your Reunification Checkout Form filled out for the Day Care. Please make sure Daycare information is on the Emergency Pick Up on Powerschool.
  7. There will be extra Reunification Checkout Forms at school if needed. You can also download the card below.

Day of Reunification Procedures

  1. Please be prepared.
  2. Parents will receive an automated phone call and text letting them know students need to be picked up.
  3. Plan to park on the street, not in the parking lot in front of the school. (Check-In and Pick-Up areas will be clearly marked)
  4. With your Photo ID (You must have a photo ID) and the Reunification Checkout Form in hand, go to the check-in line at the front doors of the school.
  5. The attendants at the tables will check Photo ID and take the filled-out Reunification Checkout Form.
  6. After check-in, students will be brought to the Library outside door for pick up.
  7. It will take some time, so please be patient and polite during this process.

Forms to Download

  • Parent Reunification Information Letter
  • Carta de información sobre la reunificación de los padres
  • Reunification Checkout Form
  • Formulario de salida de reunificación
  • WCSD Emergency Plan Flipchart